Monday, August 15, 2011

Things I am grateful for....

  1. Fresh air
  2. Understanding in my boyfriend's eyes
  3. His gray blue eyes
  4. Healthy food like salmon
  5. Olive oil and garlic
  6. Cloudless blue skies
  7. Early fall temperatures
  8. Homemade cupcakes
  9. Baking
  10. Fresh clean air 
  11. Trees
  12. Money
  13. My skills and talents
  14. My inner light and gentle spirit
  15. My intellect
  16. Patent leather
  17. My friends
  18. The smell of citrus
  19. Convenient recycling
  20. Ceiling fans (especially the one in my living room that circulates the air in our apartment)
  21.  My smart and obedient kitty cat who sits in front of the balcony door and doesn't venture outside
  22. The dream job offer that I am going to receive
  23. Hot coffee
  24. Convenient, healthy oatmeal
  25. Vitamin B12
  26. Bowling with my boyfriend
  27. The jukebox in the bowling alley with great music
  28. Love
  29. Passion
  30. Companionship
  31. My education
  32. My upbringing
  33. My mother who is strength in human form
  34. Dreams and daydreaming
  35. Gentle nudges from the universe
  36. Blatant signs from the universe (these are the best!!!)
  37. Flexibility at my job
  38. The reward and attention I receive for doing a great job
  39. My heritage
  40. My grandmother and grandfather
  41. Mirrors
  42. Music
  43. Singing
  44. My trip to Vegas coming up
  45. Getting the cheapest and most luxurious flight
  46. Getting free upgrades to First Class
  47. Getting upgraded to a suite for free
  48. Having free dinners and drinks all weekend while I'm in Vegas with my friend
  49. Finding the perfect outfit for my birthday weekend
  50. Having my perfect weight and body-I am so happy I'm achieving this right now and receiving it now!
  51. Having confidence in my bikini
  52. Having the best kitty cat in the world
  53. Having Internet access so that I can find so much information so quickly
  54. Having a computer that works well and is efficient
  55. Watching my cat do all of the cute things that she does
  56. Sunglasses that protect my eyes
  57. Eyes that can see everything around me and witness the beauty of Earth
  58. Red cocktail dresses
  59. Getting dressed up for special events
  60. Lazy Sundays with my boyfriend

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