Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cloud 9

I am so very humbled and grateful for so many people. Tonight, I had a very special event for work that I had to coordinate. So many people came together and lent a helping hand. The entire event could have been confusing, chaotic, and disasterous. But, it was the assistance of so many of my team mates that the event was a huge success and everyone was able to walk away feeling happy and elated.

I know I have a tendency to have really big highs and really low lows when it comes to my current job. (I'm not bi-polar but my job tends to throw me into this type of euphoria and then beat me to a pulp afterwards...I know universe, I'm working on changing me thoughts on this :-).  Anyway, I figured since I'm really committing to the Law of Attraction and the Secret that I should really milk this feeling and write my next list of things that I'm grateful for.

  1. Young people who are able to take action for things that are unjust.
  2. My team
  3. My coaches
  4. My mentors
  5. My particpants
  6. My faith in humanity
  7. My faith in great outcomes
  8. My boss
  9. My co-workers
  10. My boyfriend 
  11. True love
  12. Green leaves
  13. Sunshine
  14. Cold water
  15. Soap
  16. Bowling
  17. Laughter
  18. Jokes
  19. Beer
  20. Technology like printers and email
  21. Helping hands
  22. People who are willing to do anything possible to make a difference in the lives of others
  23. Spiral hair pins
  24. Volunteers
  25. Feelings of euphoria
  26. Ceiling fans
  27. Wine
  28. Paved Roads and streets
  29. Faucets
  30. Eyesight
  31. My immune system
  32. My health
  33. My perfect body and health
  34. My hands
  35. Light
  36. Candles
  37. Clean sheets
  38. Clean toilets
  39. Clean cars
  40. Organized cars
  41. Donations
  42. My salary and the money I have to donate to charities and buy gifts for my friends and family
  43. My brother's girlfriend
  44. My mother
  45. My boyfriend
  46. My brother
  47. My friend's pregnancy
  48. Sleep
  49. Rest
  50. Great parking spots
  51. Reimbursement checks
  52. Passion
  53. Opportunity
  54. Solid housing
  55. My kitty cat
  56. The gifts my boyfriend's mom gave us for our birthdays
  57. Donated food
  58. Commitment
  59. Tart foods

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