Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Secret Shortcuts

I cannot say that this is my idea at all.  I only give total credit to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret and Power team who continuously come up with new and innovative ways to put the Law of Attraction into practice each day. Today I looked at my Secret Widget on my desktop (which I HIGHLY recommend downloading for free here) and I just loved what it said! It described the feeling you get when you are in harmony with the Universe. The writers described it as the feeling of floating on water. Now I'm totally paraphrasing what it said, but it went something like this: Don't fight to stay afloat or you will not win and sink. Don't completely give up or you will sink. Just give yourself and your faith to the Universe and let it carry you to what you want or where you want to go. In other words, float. Actively work with the Universe to allow it to give you what you ask for. Don't work out how-let it go and have faith.

I believe that this is such an important part of the Law of Attraction because once you've begun practicing clear, positive thoughts and feelings you must let it go and have complete faith that the Universe will carry you to what you asked for. If you just give up then you fail. If you keep resisting you will fail.

What a great lesson today, The Secret! Everyday I learn something new from your teachings Rhonda! Thank you so much for everything you have taught and continue to teach the world.

I am so grateful for this information. Go forward and live your life with passion, purpose, and faith!!!

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