Monday, August 15, 2011

Remember that there is more than one law of the universe...

Please read this great blog post:

The law of love and the law of attraction are indeed two of the most important laws of the universe, but there's more! Hehehehe! Do I sound like one of those great infomercials? Really. There are more! We can all learn by living by the Seven Laws of the Universe:

  1. The Law of Vibration
  2. The Law of Relativity
  3. The Law of Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Polarity
  5. The Law of Rhythm
  6. The Law of Gestation
  7. The Law of Transmutation
I was doing some research and read a law that Deepok Chopra mentioned that really stuck with me. It was the Law of Detachment. I really appreciate this particular law because it relies on your faith in the universe, God, and Your True Self that the result will occur.

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