Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things I am grateful for....

  1. My new vision board
  2. The acceptance of the Law of Attraction from my boyfriend
  3. My healthy, fit, beautiful, body
  4. My eyesite
  5. Electricity
  6. Water
  7. Pinot Noir
  8. Warm weather
  9. Sunshine
  10. Gasoline
  11. My best friends
  12. My kitty cat
  13. Moonstone
  14. Free food
  15. Stemless wine glasses
  16. Ceiling fans
  17. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
  18. Skinny Jeans
  19. The internet
  20. Honey
  21. Yogurt
  22. Lemons
  23. Cat claw clippers
  24. Marmalade
  25. Coffee
  26. hands that work
  27. feet that work
  28. a healthy immune system
  29. recycling
  30. remote controls
  31. running water
  32. iPhones
  33. imagination
  34. visualization
  35. spirit guides
  36. energy
  37. crystals
  38. chocolate
  39. My admin at work
  40. my participants and volunteers
  41. my coaches
  42. my mentors
  43. facebook
  44. fish
  45. grocery stores
  46. convenience
  47. candles
  48. comfortable beds
  49. health
  50. smiling 
  51. laughing
  52. attraction
  53. sexuality
  54. games
  55. rhonda byrne
  56. the secret
  57. the power
  58. holidays
  59. great hairdressers
  60. probiotics and vitamin b12

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cloud 9

I am so very humbled and grateful for so many people. Tonight, I had a very special event for work that I had to coordinate. So many people came together and lent a helping hand. The entire event could have been confusing, chaotic, and disasterous. But, it was the assistance of so many of my team mates that the event was a huge success and everyone was able to walk away feeling happy and elated.

I know I have a tendency to have really big highs and really low lows when it comes to my current job. (I'm not bi-polar but my job tends to throw me into this type of euphoria and then beat me to a pulp afterwards...I know universe, I'm working on changing me thoughts on this :-).  Anyway, I figured since I'm really committing to the Law of Attraction and the Secret that I should really milk this feeling and write my next list of things that I'm grateful for.

  1. Young people who are able to take action for things that are unjust.
  2. My team
  3. My coaches
  4. My mentors
  5. My particpants
  6. My faith in humanity
  7. My faith in great outcomes
  8. My boss
  9. My co-workers
  10. My boyfriend 
  11. True love
  12. Green leaves
  13. Sunshine
  14. Cold water
  15. Soap
  16. Bowling
  17. Laughter
  18. Jokes
  19. Beer
  20. Technology like printers and email
  21. Helping hands
  22. People who are willing to do anything possible to make a difference in the lives of others
  23. Spiral hair pins
  24. Volunteers
  25. Feelings of euphoria
  26. Ceiling fans
  27. Wine
  28. Paved Roads and streets
  29. Faucets
  30. Eyesight
  31. My immune system
  32. My health
  33. My perfect body and health
  34. My hands
  35. Light
  36. Candles
  37. Clean sheets
  38. Clean toilets
  39. Clean cars
  40. Organized cars
  41. Donations
  42. My salary and the money I have to donate to charities and buy gifts for my friends and family
  43. My brother's girlfriend
  44. My mother
  45. My boyfriend
  46. My brother
  47. My friend's pregnancy
  48. Sleep
  49. Rest
  50. Great parking spots
  51. Reimbursement checks
  52. Passion
  53. Opportunity
  54. Solid housing
  55. My kitty cat
  56. The gifts my boyfriend's mom gave us for our birthdays
  57. Donated food
  58. Commitment
  59. Tart foods

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Secret Shortcuts

I cannot say that this is my idea at all.  I only give total credit to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret and Power team who continuously come up with new and innovative ways to put the Law of Attraction into practice each day. Today I looked at my Secret Widget on my desktop (which I HIGHLY recommend downloading for free here) and I just loved what it said! It described the feeling you get when you are in harmony with the Universe. The writers described it as the feeling of floating on water. Now I'm totally paraphrasing what it said, but it went something like this: Don't fight to stay afloat or you will not win and sink. Don't completely give up or you will sink. Just give yourself and your faith to the Universe and let it carry you to what you want or where you want to go. In other words, float. Actively work with the Universe to allow it to give you what you ask for. Don't work out how-let it go and have faith.

I believe that this is such an important part of the Law of Attraction because once you've begun practicing clear, positive thoughts and feelings you must let it go and have complete faith that the Universe will carry you to what you asked for. If you just give up then you fail. If you keep resisting you will fail.

What a great lesson today, The Secret! Everyday I learn something new from your teachings Rhonda! Thank you so much for everything you have taught and continue to teach the world.

I am so grateful for this information. Go forward and live your life with passion, purpose, and faith!!!

Things I love...

  1. The whiny little sound my cat makes sometimes
  2. The way my cat's tail wags around 
  3. Pelligrino with fresh lemon
  4. Getting things for free
  5. Giving love to everyone around me
  6. Yellow roses
  7. Getting flowers sent to me at work
  8. Wearing comfortable platform heels for hours
  9. Hearing my cat purr
  10. Hearing people laugh and seeing people smile
  11. Helpful people
  12. Sleeping in every saturday morning and every sunday morning
  13. Swimming in clear blue water (I adorrrrre this)
  14. Sipping a fruity, tart, ice cold cocktail while I'm laying in front of clear blue water beaches with powdery white sand
  15. Watching my wrinkles and spots on my face disappear
  16. Making people laugh
  17. Being warm in my apartment
  18. Sleeping early and sleeping in late
  19. Waking up refreshed and clear headed
  20. Weddings
  21. Getting noticed when I'm dressed up and going out with my friends
  22. Massages
  23. Facials
  24. Looking perfect when I'm at an event
  25. Looking the very prettiest at any event
  26. Dressing up for work
  27. Having my make up done by a professional make up artist
  28. Having a full line on my credit card
  29. Singing in front of an audience at an actual performance
  30. Acting
  31. Singing
  32. Being on camera
  33. Public speaking
  34. Going to galas and balls
  35. Eating dinner with my boyfriend
  36. Cuddling up with my boyfriend
  37. Eating breakfast with my boyfriend
  38. Going grocery shopping with my boyfriend
  39. Going to the gym with my boyfriend
  40. Looking in my boyfriend's grey blue eyes
  41. Flossing and getting my teeth clean
  42. GEtting a clean bill of health from my doctor
  43. Freshly baked bread
  44. Escargot
  45. Frozen Mango
  46. STrawberries fresh
  47. Fashion magazines
  48. Being able to wear the stuff in the fashion magazines
  49. A great handbag
  50. Seeing all of the stars at night

Monday, August 15, 2011

Remember that there is more than one law of the universe...

Please read this great blog post:

The law of love and the law of attraction are indeed two of the most important laws of the universe, but there's more! Hehehehe! Do I sound like one of those great infomercials? Really. There are more! We can all learn by living by the Seven Laws of the Universe:

  1. The Law of Vibration
  2. The Law of Relativity
  3. The Law of Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Polarity
  5. The Law of Rhythm
  6. The Law of Gestation
  7. The Law of Transmutation
I was doing some research and read a law that Deepok Chopra mentioned that really stuck with me. It was the Law of Detachment. I really appreciate this particular law because it relies on your faith in the universe, God, and Your True Self that the result will occur.

Secret Quotes

"Everything is Possible. Nothing is Impossible" The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." Mohandas Ghandi 

What I want from my new career...

In my new career, there is a list of things that I am looking for. I tend to write things out in list format (in case you haven't noticed hehehe) so I apologize if it gets a little boring, but this is my true self and my true writing so I am embracing it.

Things I want in my new career:

  • An abundance of opportunities to affect others in a positive way with my unique talents and skills
  • Make an abundance of money so that I can give more to my family and charities that are close to my heart
  • An abundance of honest, passionate, caring people who I care for deeply and who care for me just as deeply
  • An abundance of recognition for my hard work, dedication, and passion 
  • An abundance of opportunities to travel the world
  • An abundance of nice clothes and fine things
  • An abundance of love and prosperity
  • An abundance of joy, laughter, and tears of happiness
  • An abundance of time to be with my close family and friends
  • An abundance to show love to others who may need to be comforted or reminded of the law of love and attraction
  • An abundance of chances to thank people who have helped me become the person I am today so that they and others will know that they are gifted people and they are loved
  • An abundance of opportunities to make believe, dream, and create beautiful art
  • An abundance of opportunities to be healthy, youthful, and energetic
  • An abundance of opportunities to experience the beauty of the world through whatever means possible
  • An abundance of opportunities to make someone's day brighter and more pleasant
  • An abundance of opportunities to heal this Earth
  • An abundance of opportunities to make my mother more comfortable, proud, and honor her sacrifices for a better life
  • An abundance of opportunities to love and be loved

Things I am grateful for....

  1. Fresh air
  2. Understanding in my boyfriend's eyes
  3. His gray blue eyes
  4. Healthy food like salmon
  5. Olive oil and garlic
  6. Cloudless blue skies
  7. Early fall temperatures
  8. Homemade cupcakes
  9. Baking
  10. Fresh clean air 
  11. Trees
  12. Money
  13. My skills and talents
  14. My inner light and gentle spirit
  15. My intellect
  16. Patent leather
  17. My friends
  18. The smell of citrus
  19. Convenient recycling
  20. Ceiling fans (especially the one in my living room that circulates the air in our apartment)
  21.  My smart and obedient kitty cat who sits in front of the balcony door and doesn't venture outside
  22. The dream job offer that I am going to receive
  23. Hot coffee
  24. Convenient, healthy oatmeal
  25. Vitamin B12
  26. Bowling with my boyfriend
  27. The jukebox in the bowling alley with great music
  28. Love
  29. Passion
  30. Companionship
  31. My education
  32. My upbringing
  33. My mother who is strength in human form
  34. Dreams and daydreaming
  35. Gentle nudges from the universe
  36. Blatant signs from the universe (these are the best!!!)
  37. Flexibility at my job
  38. The reward and attention I receive for doing a great job
  39. My heritage
  40. My grandmother and grandfather
  41. Mirrors
  42. Music
  43. Singing
  44. My trip to Vegas coming up
  45. Getting the cheapest and most luxurious flight
  46. Getting free upgrades to First Class
  47. Getting upgraded to a suite for free
  48. Having free dinners and drinks all weekend while I'm in Vegas with my friend
  49. Finding the perfect outfit for my birthday weekend
  50. Having my perfect weight and body-I am so happy I'm achieving this right now and receiving it now!
  51. Having confidence in my bikini
  52. Having the best kitty cat in the world
  53. Having Internet access so that I can find so much information so quickly
  54. Having a computer that works well and is efficient
  55. Watching my cat do all of the cute things that she does
  56. Sunglasses that protect my eyes
  57. Eyes that can see everything around me and witness the beauty of Earth
  58. Red cocktail dresses
  59. Getting dressed up for special events
  60. Lazy Sundays with my boyfriend

Sunday, August 14, 2011

About the universe

I know that time is just an illusion. Remember that for the law of attraction, time is nothing. Time is just a figment of our imagination. We (I) must remember this when we visualize what we want. Time is only in my mind...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things I love...

  1. Thunderstorms
  2. Cooking with my boyfriend
  3. Champagne or bubbly
  4. Visits from friends
  5. Star Wars
  6. Pink Sunsets
  7. Tacos
  8. Nachos
  9.  Guacamole
  10. Avocados
  11. My mom
  12. My favorite face serum
  13. Ceiling fans
  14. Sleeping in clean sheets after a bath
  15. Money
  16. The unexpected checks I know I am going to receive very soon
  17. My current job
  18. My co-workers
  19. My bosses
  20. My boyfriend
  21. My brother
  22. My country
  23. The fact that by boyfriend decided to create a vision board with me :-)
  24. Carne Asada
  25. Water with lemon or cucumber
  26. Shopping at Whole Foods
  27. Getting my hair cut, highlighted, and colored
  28. Facials (especially the extractions)
  29. Sunshine
  30. The lake
  31. Finding the perfect parking spot
  32. My iPod
  33. My fingernails
  34. My hands
  35. My pink moonstone jewelry set
  36. All of my moonstone jewelry
  37. My health
  38. Vitamin B12
  39. My feet
  40. My legs
  41. My paintings and pictures
  42. My ceiling fan
  43. The Law of Attraction
  44. Love
  45. Sapphires
  46. Soft wind blowing through my hair and past my neck
  47. My long, wavy, dark, healthy, thick, shiny hair.
  48. Cap Juluca, Anguilla
  49. Getting my passport stamped
  50. Sleeping in with my boyfriend on rainy days
  51. Tears of joy
  52. Getting the gifts that I've asked for from the universe
  53. Feelings of gratitude
  54. The feeling you get when you feel with all of your heart what you are trying to manifest
  55. The moment when you are having a conversation and you completely understand what someone is saying and they understand what you are saying.
  56. Looking at my best friend and seeing complete understanding in her eyes without saying a word
  57. A great glass of Pinot Noir
  58. An Aviation
  59. Strawberries (fresh)
  60. Cherries (fresh)
  61. Grilled Octopus
  62. My mac
  63. Saucer champagne glasses
  64. Bitter greens like broccoli rabe
  65. Tapas
  66. Fairy Tales
  67. BBQs
  68. Grilled hotdogs
  69. An ice cold glass of Peroni on a hot summer day
  70. Patent Red Leather Purses

Things I have attracted...

Whooo Hooo! Thank you so much universe! I asked for my ceiling fan to be fixed a couple of weeks ago. I visualized that the fan was working for almost a week. Today, we went into our basement and found our landlord's remote control for the ceiling fan and voila! Like a miracle it began working.

Can I tell you how many times we turned the light switch on and off? How many times we pulled the cord and inspected the cord to no avail? The best part is that this was done FOR FREE! Thank you thank you thank you!

The law of attraction REALLY works! I am so happy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Things I am grateful for....

  1. My best friend who came to visit this past weekend.
  2. My boundless energy
  3. Boat tours of Lake Michigan.
  4. Lake Michigan.
  5. Sushi
  6. Champagne
  7. My gym membership
  8. Air conditioning
  9. My laptop
  10. My new pink moonstone jewelry and amber jewelry that I won on ebay! SWEET!
  11. All the extra money I know have
  12. My beauty
  13. Fresh clean cool water
  14. My boyfriend's ambitious personality
  15. My boyfriend's love
  16. My cat
  17. Pillows
  18. Soft blowing wind
  19. Having a parking spot in my neighborhood
  20. My skill at putting on makeup
  21. Music
  22. My small waist
  23. My long legs
  24. Nectarines
  25. Strawberries
  26. My understanding of the law of attraction
  27. The tree outside my office
  28. My kitty's brush
  29. My kitty's friendly personality
  30. My voice teacher
  31. My mom
  32. My trip to London next year.
  33. My extra bedroom
  34. My washer and dryer
  35. My toned arms
  36. My inner strength
  37. The recycling container that is close to my home
  38. The oil change, new air filter, and light bulb change I recently got done for my car
  39. The internet
  40. Showers
  41. White Sage
  42. Grounding
  43. Meditation
  44. My great skills at visualizing
  45. My reimbursement checks
  46. The abundance of money I have to guy my boyfriend wonderful birthday presents
  47. The new mold free filter I just bought for my cat
  48. My youth
  49. My singing
  50. My talent
  51. The recruiter who called me about a new job opportunity
  52. My friend who gave my name and number to the recruiter

Secret Events

The other day a funny thing happened to me that is directly related to the Secret. My friend and I were both hungry for lunch when she said that she could really go for a hot dog. So we went to the nearest and best hot dog place I could find (she was from out of town). We placed our order and to our surprise, the attendant gave us a free hotdog. We both were not that hungry so she said well let's either give it to your boyfriend when you get home or if we see a homeless person we can just give the hotdog to them instead. We passed by some street performers and we both decided that it wouldn't be very nice to assume that they were homeless so we didn't offer the hotdog to them. Then, as we waited for our train to come to the platform, a young man walked up to us and asked us if he could have some money to get something to eat. We couldn't believe it. I handed him the hotdog and he seemed so grateful. I can't believe how magical the universe is sometimes. Things just happen so quickly!